Naomi Greenfield Quinn

Profile Updated: March 31, 2014
Naomi Greenfield
Spouse/Partner: John Quinn
Where do you live?: Broomfield, CO USA
Occupation: stay at home mom
Children: Jordan Patrick, born 1994
Jillian Faith, born 2004
Yes! Attending Reunion
Do you still have family in Fargo?


What did you always want to do that you haven’t done yet?

I would love to travel to Norway, Ireland, France....

Most Favorite School Story/Memory (True or Legend):

T-Ping with the cheerleaders, football games, basketball games, bus rides to away games! And there were all those times at the intersection by my house....when the snow drift was higher than my car....and Joaquin and I just hoped we made it as we gunned it through the intersection! And the 360 Lisa Endres and I did out of the parking lot into the alley....

Least Favorite School Story/Memory (True or Legend):

That would be not making the volleyball team! But then I did get to cheer for it all worked out. And of course there was that time Mrs. Urban called me out in front of the class and said, "Well, I just don't get it dear. Some days you look so slim, and others....well you just look plump." And there was always my mom dressing up at Halloween and coming to school to bring donut holes and apple cider and embarrass the living daylights out of me!

Biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at Fargo North?

I wouldn't worry so much about every little thing!

Favorite Band from our high school years?

U2...still around and going strong! Did anyone else have a huge crush on Larry Mullen, Jr??

Who was your favorite teacher?

I had lots of favorite teachers. Mr. Dumais, Mr. Trieglaff, Mr. Goschen, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Urban, Mrs. Krumweide, Mrs. Tidd, Mr. Jellison

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